We've been through this and we've learned what developers need from hosting.
Reduced price. Having more requirements to the hosting doesn't mean you have to pay more. We offer a special reduced price for the developers getting their project ready for release.
Stable access. Time is money for you. The development process can't wait as there are too many people involved into it. We have this covered and guarantee access to the server 24/7/365.
High security. Even on the development stage, the project has to stay safe from the cyber threats. Whether it's a local store or a transnational corporation - we provide the highest security level for all.
Live support. Should you have any question, rest assured you will have a human support from our side to answer it.
No small print. That still happens when you start using a service on conditions that suit you perfectly, but after a little while they change. And you can do nothing about it. We don't practice small prints and hidden payments – everything is transparent from the very start. Single price for everything.